White belt level

At Brick It Up, the White Belt Level is the introduction to our classes and facilities.  These classes generally consist of work with DUPLO® blocks, as these allow the smaller children to become familiar with the building concepts and possibilities with this simple but powerful technology.  We carefully cater to each student's needs and comfort level with building, and we use these blocks as methods to help them discover numbers and counting, the alphabet and sight words, and much, much more.

LEGO DUPLO® building toys are specially designed for the small hands and big imaginations of children ages 2 to 5. DUPLO® bricks are twice the size of classic LEGO® bricks, making them easier to manipulate and a perfect tool for developing a youngster's motor skills. Our class offerings foster everything from creative, open-ended building to model creation, role play and storytelling. 

Take a look at our class listing page for information on upcoming classes!

example White Belt Classes

​We are able to cover a wide array of fun, educational topics with our White Belt class material. Some well-received examples of our previous classes include:

​ - Letters and Numbers
- Trains and Cars (vroom, vroom)
- Towers and Bridges
- Colors
- Patterns and Mosaics
- Life at the Zoo
- Space Race

 - The Food Pyramid

 - People and Careers